Sonntag, 23. August 2015

Spiral Knights Performance Improvement

As many of our members are experiencing massive latency during playing, the following post will exemplify a possible solution for the problem.
If you have downloaded Java with a 32-bit-Browser you will also gain a 32-bit Java version, although you are using a 64-bit Windows version. The 64-bit Java version has a higher performance and can solve some of the latency not caused by a bad internet connection.

1. Requirement

The solution will work only if you are using a 64-bit Windows version.
Instruction for Win 7 and Win XP

2. Am I using a 64-bit browser?

In order to find out if you are using a 64-bit version of your browser use the following steps that are explained here (for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome).

3. Downloading 64-bit Java

Now open your browser and download the 64-bit Java version.
You can download it here.

4. Final adjustments

Now start Spiral Knights and check if the 64-bit Java version is used.
If not, follow the steps that are explained on this Spiral Knights forum post: SK Performance Tweaking Guide.

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